Tagged with "mysql"

Fun MySQL fact of the day: no nested transactions

Nested transactions allow a client to begin and end multiple transactions within an outer transaction (within an outer transaction (within an outer transaction (within an outer transaction ...))). When would you use it? This type of mechanism is necessary to accomplish a pure Component Based Architecture. However, excepting BerkleyDB, nearly ... read more

The Cost Of Consistency: When 9ms Is 1s Too Much

The CAP theorem remains one of the most important tools in my software developer's toolbelt. Used correctly, it can help create services and products that can offer an excellent user experience and protect revenue during partial failures. Used incorrectly, it can lead to a poor user experience and loss of ... read more

Pessimistic Optimism: The Case Of Unexpected Deadlocks

Despite the fact I've been developing software in one way or another for almost 20 years, I'm constantly surprised how things work, and, once the frustration wears off, I'm intrigued when things break. Lucky for me, over the last few weeks, I've been surprised, frustrated, and intrigued by what, on ... read more
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